Thursday, January 27, 2011

Three Things Thursday

Everyone else is doing it, so I am jumping on the bandwagon.

1.  This morning I caught a glimpse of the weather forecast for this Sunday and needless to say I am THRILLED!
Seriously could not be any better....and like I tell all of you that live in chilly, snowy areas around the US...come for a visit to Florida~  (even though truth be told I am completely jealous of everyone with snow!  I miss the change of the seasons the most.  I ran the first 2/3 of my life in a snowy cold climate and before Florida ran in Green Bay, WI for 2 winter!)

2.  Shorts or 3/4 capris?  I am always going back an forth when the temperatures are in the 50's and low 60's which way to go.  I love my 3/4 pants, but don't want to be hot once the sun is shining down.  Thoughts?  I think shorts will win out.

3.  I have been seeing mentions of Green Smoothies and I wanted to chime in.  I DO NOT make green smoothies, but I would if I had a Vita Mix or some amazing commercial grade blender.  In my opinion the blender makes the shake.  Many of my friends drink green smoothies daily and a great friend of mine shared her recipe with me (she uses a Vita Mix)
Green Smoothie Recipe!
1 Cup Vanilla Rice Milk
2 Stems Green Kale
1 Cup baby spinach
1 banana (she freeze them)
1/4 Cup frozen mango's
1/4 Cup frozen strawberries
1-2 Tablespoons hemp protein

I kid you not this thing is AMAZING!  The texture is really creamy and you taste NO green veggies and I would make them daily IF I had the right tools.  

I am off for my last run before taking off for Miami.  Super Excited.  Really Gittery.  Ready to GO!!


  1. Shorts, shorts, shorts! you don't want to over heat. Good luck, you will do great!

  2. SHORTS! And layer a top that you can strip down to practically nothing. Seriously, at Richmond in November we were in Tanks & Skirts, and the high was only 60something.

    My FAVORITE Green Smoothie is one I make when I'm replacing a meal and need something calorie dense and comforting in the summer. Summer comfort food can be hard to accomplish - Avocado and frozen banana... (add a little H20 also). Love it.

  3. Shorts. I would rather be too cold than too hot to start. Good luck!

  4. Hope that run went awesome! I usually wear shorts over 40 degrees. I must be from MN. I even wore shorts in my 30 degree race last March. I would die if I tried to wear Capris in those temps! GOOD LUCK!!!

  5. I voe shors oo! No weird an lines o worr abou :) I love green smoohies oo! Especiall wih vegeables ha I wouldn' normall musard greens and collards!
